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Managing Trustee

Hon'ble Shri. Amit Nitinrao Kolhe

Dear Aspirants,

At Sanjivani Institute of Management Studies, we believe in nurturing future leaders who will shape the world of business. With great pleasure, I extend my warmest welcome to you to embark on a transformative journey with us.

Our commitment to providing quality education and holistic development has made Sanjivani Institute of Management Studies a renowned institution in the field of management education. Our dedicated faculty, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and industry-oriented curriculum ensure that you receive a well-rounded education that prepares you for the challenges and opportunities of the corporate world.

As the Managing Trustee of Sanjivani Institute of Management Studies, I take immense pride in witnessing the growth and success of our students. Our focus on academic excellence, practical learning, and industry exposure equips our graduates with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to excel in their chosen fields.

We understand the importance of specialization in today’s dynamic business environment. That’s why we offer a range of specialized PGDM programs, including Marketing, Business Analytics, Agri-business, Finance, Operations, HR, and Digital Marketing. These programs are designed to meet the evolving needs of industries and provide you with a competitive edge in your career.

At Sanjivani Business School, we foster a culture of innovation, leadership, and ethical values. We believe in developing not only your professional acumen but also your personal growth, instilling in you a sense of responsibility towards society.

I invite you to join our esteemed institution and be a part of our vibrant community of learners, where you will be challenged, inspired, and supported to reach your fullest potential. Together, let us shape a brighter future and make a positive impact on the business world.

I look forward to welcoming you to Sanjivani Business School and witnessing your remarkable journey towards success.

Best wishes,

Hon’ble Shri. Amit N. Kolhe,

Managing Trustee,

Sanjivani Group of Institutes

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